Monday, January 11, 2010

Strength Training - 3 Common Errors

Common mistakes when weight training there are three areas to watch out for.  The first is the misconception that since you are training regularly you can eat all you want.  No my friends.  Calories are calories!  If you take in more than you burn then you will end up with calories that are turning into excess weight.

Second would be overtraining.  Going too hard and not allowing time to rest and muscles to repair is counter productive.  This healing process is how you strengthen muscles.   Also, you need to rest during your exercise program allowing for a break between sets.  Time to hydrate and catch your breath.

Lastly is the failure to change or challenge by increasing your intensity.  You cannot gain strength or muscle tone by repeating the same pattern, you need to change what you do to change the outcome.  More weight, more reps and changing your routine up to hit areas with new resistance programs will yield results.

These are some simple notes on what NOT to do and how to overcome these pitfalls so you gain the best results.

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