Friday, November 13, 2009

Drinking water

We Drink, and Drink and Drink….
We all take our bottle of water to the gym with us. It’s a vessel full of clear water, zero calories and refreshing to boot. However do we know all the ‘good’ contained in this bottle? Are we aware of the reasons why this bottle has become a critical part of our workouts as well as out daily lives? Well folks, here is the lowdown on mans (and woman’s) new best friend – the water bottle.

You go to a fitness class, it’s an hour long and your pace is quite intense. Do you know that on average you will have sweat out about a quart of water? It’s important to keep yourself properly hydrated at all times. Drinking before and after a workout as well as drinking during a workout is of key importance. During any kind of exercise you don’t want the muscles to suffer from becoming dehydrated either. The movement and flow of your muscles is dependent on them being properly hydrated. Even on days you aren’t training the ongoing intake of water still provides us with so many benefits we should have our best friend with us at all times.

Water makes up approximately 50%-60% of our bodies composition. This essential element works to regulate our body temperature, helping our breathing, transports vital nutrients throughout our bodies, carries away waste ( not a pretty topic but we all know …. XXXX happens! ) as well as the muscle function we mentioned makes this a critical part of our health and well being. Without taking in some form of water, our systems would shut down after three days and we would die. If you feel a little thirsty – get some water. This thirst is a sign of dehydration.

There is a theory that water can help your metabolism and help you lose weight. This is hinged on the liver functioning to assist the kidneys when you are not properly hydrated. This slows down the metabolic process. So the theory states drinking water assists in weight loss by increasing your metabolism OR is it that consuming water can make you feel full, thus decreasing your appetite. Research shows your brain may ‘think’ you are hungry, but the signal may be simply thirst and a glass of water contains far less in the way of fat and calories!

I will tell you honestly, that I have felt better during workouts when I keep hydrated. I try not to overdo it, mainly because I don’t want to stop to go to the bathroom, or get any kind of cramp. I have experienced weight loss when I increase my water intake, however I tend to eat from boredom so the water drinking fills that need and I do take in far less calories. Lastly from my personal experience, my body functions better, I feel better and taking in 8-12 glasses a day I find that I pick up less in the way of colds and flu’s. Is it flushing out toxins?

For every theory on drinking water, healthy and weight loss, there are theories that can/ will dispute this. Go by what works for you. If you get sick less, if your skin looks brighter and clearer, if you lost weight or if you just feel better, then something is working for you. We do know that for the avid fitness enthusiast you need to replace what you sweat out and you need to keep the muscles hydrated. Your brain is over 75% water, don’t we want to feed our brains? Perhaps we’re not getting old and forgetful, we’re just thirsty!

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