We all have the power and the tools to be healthier and fit. To a large degree for most of us this is all about 'choice'. I have been a 'heavy and lazy' person in the past and now I choose NOT to be. I choose to work to be healthy and feel great and I do! The decision was mine, and taking action was all that was required. I care enough about myself to make those actions a priority now in my daily life.
Look around you the next time you are in a classroom, staff meeting or even standing in the mall and you will see living proof that the statistics show on average 40-50 percent of our population is obese. That means that almost half the people you will see around you don't care about themselves enough to exercise portion control, stay away from high sugar and deep fried foods or go for a brisk walk. Instead they will sit and do nothing about it. They will eat poorly, perhaps drink excessively, many will light up one cigarette after another, and not care or realize what they are doing to themselves. They will complain about how they look and feel, but not do nothing to change it.
The choice is yours. Do you choose to be happy and healthy, perhaps even set a good example for the children and young adults in your life, or would you rather be the almost 50% that are killing themselves with food and a sedentary lifestyle?
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