Do you feel tired when you wake up and completely drained and exhausted when you get home? Do you stress about your responsibilities at work even when you're not AT work? If you answered yes to either of these you are certainly not alone. You are among the masses who work far in excess of 40 hours a week, take work home with you and in many cases you will find yourself packing on the pounds too.
A study of city employees aged 40-60 reported that those with the demands of family life at home and a high level of responsibility at work were the group that reported gaining weight. There is likely a strong possibility that those with long hours are not eating regularly or properly, rather they just indulge on whatever is accessible.
There is no simple solution to this problem as we all need to work. Striking a balance where you put your needs for nutrition, exercise and some down time first may be a challenge but could help a great deal with weight gain and fatigue issues. Make time to sit quietly and do something for you. A bubble bath or read a magazine. Resting is important. Perhaps you could try to schedule nights dedicated to work and take care of work related issues that need the extra time on those nights. This could leave you with some evenings you leave on time. Here's something that may work, talk to your boss and ask for some help! I know, this may be the most unrealistic suggestion of all... but you never know.
Striking a balance with work, and time for you can be very hard. We tend to forget, we work so we can 'have' a life. FAR too often work becomes our life.
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