1/ Take inventory of the events you have to attend, or host. Be very aware of what you have on your agenda that will make eating healthy a bit of a struggle. You never need to deny yourself a little indulgence now and again however pick what is really ‘worth it’ and what you can walk away from. Don’t make it a free for all at the buffet, tiny portions and sample sizes of those things you really, really want to taste will be a mouthful of liquid gold. It’s like budgeting for your gift giving, don’t spend your calories all at once!
2/ Work up a sweat. Perhaps add a few minutes to each weekly cardio session to make up for the extra intake. Small steps like parking as FAR away from the mall as possible and a brisk walk in and out will be a little extra step. Try to power walk through the mall to get your heart pumping, maybe a couple of laps around. You’re there, it’s not snowing inside so go for it! Just because you are ‘busy’ running errands doesn’t mean you are active. Sitting in the car or a shuffle through the grocery store does not count as exercise.
3/ When doing any cooking or baking search out some healthy recipes. There are all kinds of low fat, low sugar substitutes for almost any tasty treat, just look online! If you are not sure what is in something that is offered at a party, you can always say ‘NO’.
4/ If you have to get groceries for a party or meal, eat a meal so you are full before you head out. If you go out hungry you are more likely to pick up more than you need and things you can consume quickly… like in the car on the way home. This same process will work when going to a party, try snacking on something that fills you up a bit before you go. High protein and fiber items will make you feel full and ward off the nibbling temptations.
5/ Drink LOTS of water!
This is a hard time of year so if you overdo it don’t beat yourself up. Stay positive and get your motivation back so you don’t worry and get back on track.
More on womens health and fitness over 40
2/ Work up a sweat. Perhaps add a few minutes to each weekly cardio session to make up for the extra intake. Small steps like parking as FAR away from the mall as possible and a brisk walk in and out will be a little extra step. Try to power walk through the mall to get your heart pumping, maybe a couple of laps around. You’re there, it’s not snowing inside so go for it! Just because you are ‘busy’ running errands doesn’t mean you are active. Sitting in the car or a shuffle through the grocery store does not count as exercise.
3/ When doing any cooking or baking search out some healthy recipes. There are all kinds of low fat, low sugar substitutes for almost any tasty treat, just look online! If you are not sure what is in something that is offered at a party, you can always say ‘NO’.
4/ If you have to get groceries for a party or meal, eat a meal so you are full before you head out. If you go out hungry you are more likely to pick up more than you need and things you can consume quickly… like in the car on the way home. This same process will work when going to a party, try snacking on something that fills you up a bit before you go. High protein and fiber items will make you feel full and ward off the nibbling temptations.
5/ Drink LOTS of water!
This is a hard time of year so if you overdo it don’t beat yourself up. Stay positive and get your motivation back so you don’t worry and get back on track.
More on womens health and fitness over 40
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